Friday, February 12, 2016

Golden Sunset

This is my 1600th posting.

Yesterday evening we got another golden sunset here in the great state of Colorado.

I took Scarlett out for a test drive to make sure the pusher wheel stayed on while riding.  You see, I'd had the inner tube replaced yesterday morning.  I didn't do it myself due to work and time constraints.  The guys at performancecycle did it in 20 minutes where it would have taken me perhaps and hour and a half.

Good news, I put the wheel back in place correctly, it didn't come off as we motored to the usual sunset viewing point.

Here's Thursday's sunset, in time sequence, this time I am also including shots of the sunset behind the rig.  Mostly for a friend of mine, Brian B....aka El Guapo who routinely tells me my sunset shots are ruined by the inclusion of motorcycles in the foreground.


RichardM said...

So, now we know that you just photoshop a Ural into all of your sunset photos… ;-)

redlegsrides said...

I knew someone would say photoshopping of my rig onto the shots I assure you.

I just walked from in front the rig, to the back and shot the same scene....

RichardM said...

Uh-huh hmmm...

Joe said...

Congrats on 1600 posts! Wishing you all the happiness, energy, and scenery you'll need to do 1600 more time and time again.

- Joe at Scootin' da Valley

Trobairitz said...

I dunno, I kind of like the ones with Scarlett's silhouette better.

Congrats on 1600 posts!

redlegsrides said...

Joe at Scooting'da Valley, thanks....can't believe its been almost ten years since I first threw a leg over a motorcycle....

Trobairitz, thanks I like the ones with Scarlett in the picture better as well.