Thursday, August 07, 2014

Pre-Sunset Clouds

I was riding Scarlett yesterday evening, chasing a rainbow which had appeared after a brief rain storm...I wasn't able to get near enough or in a good spot to shoot a picture of it though.

As I headed back towards home, the sun was occluded behind a large cloud formation and I stopped to see if the sun's rays would poke through.

Too bad I didn't have a wall behind me, painted white, to reflect some of the setting sun's light back at Scarlett to fill in the foreground light.

Previously: Scarlett's First Tire Change


RichardM said...

Beautiful photo!

Time to start carrying some large umbrellas with external flash units for fill flash? Plenty of room in the sidecar though I'm not sure how you'd trigger the flash. Maybe another camera...

redlegsrides said...

Thanks RichardM, I thought about "forcing" the flash on the camera but I think the light would have been too harsh and caused reflectors on the rig to shine too brightly.....

SonjaM said...

This is one fine pic for next year's calendar.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks SonjaM, I am flattered.

Trobairitz said...

Beautiful even if Scarlett isn't lit up more.